This review of our TenseBuilder verb app was written by Jenna Rayburn. Jenna is a SLP based in Ohio who writes the Speech Room News blog. Her blog was voted one of the top blogs for speech therapists in 2012. She has all sorts of things for SLP’s including freebies, downloads, app reviews and helpful tips. Jenna includes many images of TenseBuilder and a nice description of how it works and how she uses it in therapy.
TenseBuilder is the newest addition to our “Builder” series of speech therapy apps. It employs movie quality animations to teach tense. We take the kids through an entire timeline, which gives the students a much deeper understanding of Tense markers and why they are important. Because we are using video, we are able to tackle the more difficult verbs (do, go, come), that don’t have as concrete an action associated with them as other verbs (run, jump, walk). These verbs can be difficult for many children to fully comprehend, but they become clear with the animations. Combine that with a lot of humor in the animations themselves, and you have an app that kids want to continue playing and teaches tense in a way not possible with flash cards or worksheets.
To find out more about TenseBuilder and our other speech therapy apps, tap on the icon below!