Review of LanguageBuilder speech app by SpeechTechie

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Sean Sweeney is a licenced SLP and prolithic blogger.  He is well know within speech and language circles as a real authority on the  speech and language  apps on the iTunes store.  He recently posted a favorable review of Mobile Education Store’s LanguageBuilder app.  He writes:

In both cases, it was an enjoyable and engaging experience for the child, and gave me key information about their sentence formulation abilities, along with transcribable (or demonstrable for parents) audio samples in response to the pictures.  Language Builder has different levels of “hints” that prompt various language structures, and could of course be used for all those kids that complete Formulated Sentences and don’t do so well with it. I actually have also been using it in conjunction with the excellent Conversations with Conjunctions program (Catherine Harkins May, Pro-Ed), which involves the use of ASL signs for conjunctions in order to provide a visual and kinesthetic cue. Overall, it’s a great go-to app to address the difficult-to-assess (and treat) area of complex sentence development!

To find out more about LanguageBuilder and purchase it on iTunes, click on the link below.
