Our ConversationBuilder social skills app is one of my most popular. It has won the most awards, and I have received the most email about it from parents and educators telling me about the success they have had with it. Some of the stories I have been told have been truly heart warming. The inspiration for ConversationBuilder was the son of a friend of ours. He has Aspergers and was really struggling to make friends at school. ConversationBuilder came from one comment our friend made about his son, “He just doesn’t know how to say What’s Up?”.
ConversationBuilder was created to help kids do that and more. Not only do they learn how to introduce themselves, but also when it is appropriate to ask questions, make observations and change the subject. We present the auditory pattern of conversation in a visual format to help students recognize and master the flow of conversation. It addresses something that very few apps do, pragmatic speech.
This review was written by Jenn Alcorn, a school based speech pathologist in Florida. She has a wonderful blog that not only reviews apps from time to time, but has a lot of other language centric tips for SLP’s and parents. It is definitely worth following.
And on top of all that, she is having a raffle to give away a promo code for ConversationBuilder. Visit her blog and sign up!
ConversationBuilder is a key member of Mobile Education Store’s award winning “Builder Series” of education apps. ConversationBuilder has won four app awards and is considered indispensable by SLP’s worldwide. MES has won over 20 app awards over the last three years and was named Educational App Developer of the Year by two review sites in 2011.
To learn more about ConversationBuilder and all of our other speech therapy apps, tap on the icon below!