Pines to Vines Activities

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Here you will find original activities designed to be used in conjunction with our Pines to Vines interactive textbooks and lesson plans. Sign in or create your account to download these free resources.

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Activities #1

This generic group report card can be used at the end of a project or as a daily self evaluation.

Activities #1

Activities #2

In this activity, students will create a habitat poster that focuses on the tropical rainforests discussed in Chapter 2.

Activities #2

Activities #3

In this activity, students will create a habitat poster that focuses on the temperate forests discussed in Chapter 3.

Activities #3

Activities #4

In this activity, students will create a habitat poster that focuses on the boreal forests discussed in Chapter 4.

Activities #4

Activities #5

This activity asks students to create a colored map of all the forest types found in the United States. A blank map is included.

Activities #5

Activities #6

This activity asks students to create a colored map of all the forest types found around the world. A blank map is included.

Activities #6

Activities #7

In this activity, students will create a Forest Facts Venn diagram that compares two types of forests.

Activities #7

Activities #8

In this activity, students will create a Forest Flip-Fact Book. Each page of the book will contain detailed information about a forest, as well as a detailed illustration.

Activities #8

Activities #9

In this activity, students will create their own jeopardy game board. Once completed, students can compete with each other in a mock jeopardy game.

Activities #9

Activities #10

In this activity, students will create a triangular prism that contains detailed information about the forest on all three outer sides, and a creative forest scene inside.

Activities #10

Activities #11

Students can use this chart to record facts about the different forest types described in Pines to Vines. Subjects include common plants and animals, locations, climate and threats.

Activities #11

Activities #12

In this project, students will be demonstrating their knowledge of the layers in a rainforest. This project is meant to be completed over three weeks.

Activities #12
