This template allows you to create your own tests. It must be followed exactly. Missing characters, extra characters (even extra spaces) will cause the app to not read the test properly. We suggest you use the Hot Spot Image test question verbatim. This must be edited using a text editor. You cannot use Word or Pages. { Ocean life is more diverse than any other habitat on Earth. "Images/beluga.jpg" True, False True } { The epipelagic layer of the ocean is basically the same as the hadopelagic layer. "Images/calmOcean.jpg" True, False False } { Drag and label each layer of the ocean "Images/OceanLayersNoLabels_A.png" Epipelagic, Mesopelagic, Bathypelagic, Abyssopelagic, Hadopelagic (0.326,0.142);(0.397,0.249);(0.480,0.396);(0.552,0.585);(0.561,0.753) } { Drag and label each zone of the rocky intertidal. "Images/ShoreZonesForTest.png" Splash Zone, High Tide Zone, Mid Tide Zone, Low Tide Zone (0.185,0.207);(0.265,0.367);(0.414,0.497);(0.595,0.632) } { Nutrients are brought back to the surface of the ocean through a process called ______. "Images/coastalAnimals1.jpg" "gathering", "upwelling", "circulation", "convection", "photosynthesis" "upwelling" } { Fish that live in the midnight layer have adapted to cope with the ______. Select all that apply. "Images/anglerFish1.jpg" "pressure", "low temperature", "darkness", "loneliness", "emptiness" "pressure", "low temperature", "darkness" } { Match the word with the definition. "Phytoplankton", "Zooplankton", "Nekton", "Diatoms", "Crustaceans", "Invertebrates" "A type of plankton that consists of microscopic plants", "Small floating or weakly swimming animals that drift with water currents", "Aquatic animals that are able to swim and move independently of water currents", "Single celled organisms having cell walls encased in silica", "Aquatic animals with segmented bodies, including lobsters, crabs, shrimp, and krill", "An animal without a backbone or spine" } { Describe three ways that oceans are important to humans. "Images/calmOcean.jpg" } List of images that can be used. (Make sure to erase this list from your test files.) Abyssal PlainCloseup.png acidification.jpg albatross.jpg alvinSubmersible.jpg anglerFish1.jpg anglerWithLure.jpg Antarctic-Shot3.jpg antarctica.png arcticCircle.png argonauta.jpg bacterioplankton.jpg baleen.jpg baskingShark.jpg beachGarbage.jpg beluga.jpg beroe.jpg bioluminescent.jpg Black_Angler.jpg blades.jpg blueFishTuna.jpg blueHeron.jpg blueWhaleVsDino.jpg bullKelp.jpg bullshark.jpg byCatch.jpg cabbageCoral.jpg calmOcean.jpg carbondioxide.jpg chamberedNautilus.jpg chiton.jpg clam.jpg coastalAnimals1.jpg cobbleBeach2.jpg coldSeep.jpg coldSeepTubeWorm.jpg copepods.jpg copepods2.jpg coralBleaching1.jpg coralReef1a.jpg coralReef2.jpg coralReef3.jpg coralReef4.jpg coralReef5.jpg coralTentacles.jpg Deep_sea_anemone.jpg deep_sea_lizard_fish.jpg DeepTrenchCloseup.png diatomsInIce.jpg dinoflagellate.jpg dolphins.jpg earth_nolabels.png earth1.png earth2.png emperorPenguin.jpg estuary1.jpg estuary2.jpg estuary3.jpg estuary4.jpg estuary5.jpg fangtoothFish.jpg fishSeaMount.jpg flagella.jpg float.jpg floodedCoastline.jpg flotsam.jpg foodChain.jpg fragmentedIce.jpg freakyFish.jpg garbagePatchCloseup.jpg garbagePatchOverall.png ghostCrab.jpg giantSunfish.jpg glassSquid.jpg greatWhite.jpg highTideZone.png HighTideZoneCloseup.png holdfast.jpg holdfast1.jpg hydrothermalVent.jpg kelpForest1.jpg kelpForest3.jpg krill.jpg krill1.jpg krillSwarm.jpg limpetFoot.jpg limpets.jpg lobster.jpg lowTideZone-small.png lowTideZone.png lowTideZoneCloseup.png manatee.jpg mangroveForest1.jpg mariculture.jpg midTideZone.png midTideZone1.jpg MidTideZoneCloseup.png mirSub.jpg mussels1.jpg oceanConveyorBelt.jpg oceanCrashing.jpg OceanFloorFinal2.png OceanLayers_01_Epipelagic_A.png OceanLayers_02_Mesopelagic_A.png OceanLayers_03_Bathypelagic_A.png OceanLayers_04_Abyssopelagic_A.png OceanLayers_05_Hadopelagic_A.png OceanLayersFinal_A.png OceanLayersNoLabels_A.png oceanMountains.png oilSpill1.jpg oilSpill2.jpg oilSpill3.jpg overFishing1.jpg penguinsSwimming.jpg pickleweed.jpg plankton.jpg plasticBird.jpg polarBear.jpg polynyas.jpg sailFish.jpg sand.jpg seaAnemone.jpg seaAnemone1.jpg seaAnemone2.jpg seaIce.jpg seaIceMelting.jpg seal1.jpg Seamount_WideView.png seaMount1.jpg seaMount2.jpg seaMount3.jpg seaMount4.jpg seaMount5.jpg seaMount6.jpg seamountCloseupBottom.jpg seamountCloseupMid.jpg seamountCloseupTop.jpg seaSnail.jpg seaSpider.jpg seaSpider2.jpg seastar.jpg seaStar1.jpg seaTurtle.jpg seaUrchin.jpg ShoreZonesForTest.png slushie.jpg snaggletooth.jpg Soundwave_CargoShip.png Soundwave_Cod.png Soundwave_Lightning.png Soundwave_OilProspectShip.png Soundwave_Sub.png Soundwave_Whale_L.png Soundwave_Whale_R.png Soundwave_Wind&Rain.png spermWhale.jpg splashZone.jpg splashZoneCloseup.png splashZoneLayer.png starfish.jpg stingray.jpg stipe.jpg stuckInIce.jpg submersible_alvin.jpg sunsetOnOcean.jpg Tidepool-Animals1.jpg trawling.png tsunami.jpg ventAnimals.jpg ventCrab.jpg ventOctopus.jpg ventShrimp.jpg ventTubeWorm.jpg vibrissae.jpg walrus.jpg waterPressure.jpg whaleFall.jpg whaleFallEnrichment.jpg whaleFallScavenger.jpg whaleFallSulfophilic.jpg yellowSubmarine.jpg